Title: And He Said, “Because of This I Told You”
The text is, “καὶ ἔλεγεν· διὰ τοῦτο εἴρηκα ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐδεὶς δύναται ἐλθεῖν πρός με ἐὰν μὴ ᾖ δεδομένον αὐτῷ ἐκ τοῦ πατρός”.
“καὶ”: coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.
“ἔλεγεν”: third person, singular, imperfect, active, indicative verb meaning “he said”.
“διὰ”: preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “because of”.
“τοῦτο”: neuter, singular, accusative, demonstrative pronoun meaning “this”.
“εἴρηκα”: first person, singular, perfect, active, indicative verb meaning “I told”.
“ὑμῖν”: second person, personal, plural, dative pronoun meaning “you”.
“ὅτι”: subordinating conjunction meaning “that”.
“οὐδεὶς”: masculine, singular, nominative adjective meaning “no one”.
“δύναται”: third person, singular, present, passive, indicative verb meaning “is able”.
“ἐλθεῖν”: third person, singular, aorist, active, infinitive verb meaning “to come”.
“πρός”: preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “to”.
“με”: first person, personal, singular, accusative pronoun meaning “me”.
“ἐὰν”: subordinating conjunction meaning “unless”.
“μὴ”: negative particle meaning “not”.
“ᾖ”: third person, singular, present, subjunctive verb meaning “it is”.
“δεδομένον”: perfect, passive, participial, neuter, singular, nominative verb meaning “had been being granted”.
“αὐτῷ”: first person, personal, masculine, singular, dative pronoun meaning “to him”.
“ἐκ”: preposition taking the genitive for its object word and meaning “of”, “from”, or “by”.
“τοῦ”: masculine, singular, genitive article meaning “the”.
“πατρός”: masculine, singular, genitive noun meaning “Father”.
The meaning of this verse is,
Because of this I told you that no one is able to come to me, not unless it had been being granted by the Father.
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