Title: Now Early in the Morning He Again Came to the Temple
The text is, “Ὄρθρου δὲ πάλιν παρεγένετο εἰς τὸ ἱερὸν καὶ πᾶς ὁ λαὸς ἤρχετο πρὸς αὐτόν, καὶ καθίσας ἐδίδασκεν αὐτούς”.
“Ὄρθρου”: masculine, singular, genitive noun meaning “early in the morning”.
“δὲ”: coordinating conjunction meaning “now”.
“πάλιν”: adverb meaning “again”.
“παρεγένετο”: third person, singular, aorist, middle, indicative verb meaning “he came”.
“εἰς”: preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “to”.
“τὸ”: neuter, singular, accusative article meaning “the”.
“ἱερὸν”: neuter, singular, accusative noun meaning “temple”.
“καὶ”: coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.
“πᾶς”: masculine, singular, nominative adjective meaning “all”.
“ὁ”: masculine, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.
“λαὸς”: masculine, singular, nominative noun meaning “people”.
“ἤρχετο”: third person, singular, imperfect, middle, indicative verb meaning “were coming”.
“πρὸς”: preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “to”.
“αὐτόν”: third person, personal, masculine, singular, accusative pronoun meaning “him”.
“καὶ”: coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.
“καθίσας”: aorist, active, participial, masculine, singular, nominative verb meaning “sitting down”.
“ἐδίδασκεν”: third person, singular, imperfect, active, indicative verb meaning “was teaching”.
“αὐτούς”: third person, personal, masculine, plural, accusative pronoun meaning “them”.
The meaning of this verse is,
Now early in the morning he again came to the temple, and all the people were coming to him, and sitting down he was teaching them.
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