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Title: Thus When Jesus Received the Sour Wine He Said, “It is finished”
The text is, “ὅτε οὖν ἔλαβεν τὸ ὄξος ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν· τετέλεσται καὶ κλίνας τὴν κεφαλὴν παρέδωκεν τὸ πνεῦμα”.
ὅτε -> temporal adverb -> when
οὖν -> coordinating inferential conjunction -> thus
ἔλαβεν -> third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb -> received
τὸ -> neuter, singular, accusative article -> the
ὄξος -> neuter, singular, accusative noun -> sour wine | vinegar
ὁ -> masculine, singular, nominative article -> the NRIEH
Ἰησοῦς -> masculine, singular, nominative, proper noun -> Jesus
εἶπεν -> third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb -> he said
τετέλεσται -> third person, singular, perfect, passive, indicative verb -> it is finished
καὶ -> coordinating additive conjunction -> and
κλίνας -> aorist, active, participial, masculine, singular, nominative verb -> bowing | declining
τὴν -> feminine, singular, accusative article -> the
κεφαλὴν -> feminine, singular, accusative noun -> head
παρέδωκεν -> third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb -> delivered over
τὸ -> neuter, singular, accusative article -> the
πνεῦμα -> neuter, singular, accusative noun -> spirit
The meaning of this verse is,
Thus, when Jesus received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and declining the head, delivered over the spirit.
ὅτε οὖν ἔλαβεν τὸ ὄξος ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν· τετέλεσται καὶ (John 19:30) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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