τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν (John 6:63)

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Title:  The Spirit is the One Giving Life

The text is, “τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν, ἡ σὰρξ οὐκ ὠφελεῖ οὐδέν· τὰ ῥήματα ἃ ἐγὼ λελάληκα ὑμῖν πνεῦμά ἐστιν καὶ ζωή ἐστιν”.

“τὸ”:  neuter, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.

“πνεῦμά”:  neuter, singular, nominative noun meaning “spirit”.

“ἐστιν”:  third person, singular, present, indicative verb meaning “is”.

“τὸ”  neuter, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.

“ζῳοποιοῦν”:  present, active, participial, neuter, singular, nominative verb meaning “one making alive”.

“ἡ”:  feminine, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.

“σὰρξ”:  feminine, singular, nominative noun meaning “flesh”.

“οὐκ”:  negative particle meaning “not”.

“ὠφελεῖ”:  third person, singular, present, active, indicative verb meaning “benefits”.

“οὐδέν”:  neuter, singular, accusative, indefinite adjective meaning “nothing”.

“τὰ”:  neuter, plural, nominative article meaning “the”.

“ῥήματα”:  neuter, plural, nominative noun meaning “words”.

“ἃ “:  neuter, plural, accusative, definite, relative pronoun meaning “that”.

“ἐγὼ”:  first person, personal, singular, nominative pronoun meaning “I”.

“λελάληκα”:  first person, singular, perfect, active, indicative verb meaning “have spoken”.

“ὑμῖν”:  second person, personal, plural, dative pronoun meaning “to you”.

“πνεῦμά”:  neuter, singular, nominative noun meaning “spirit”.

“ἐστιν”:  third person, singular, present, indicative verb meaning “is”.

“καὶ”:  coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.

“ζωή”:  feminine, singular, nominative noun meaning “life”.

“ἐστιν”:  third person, singular, present, indicative verb meaning “is”.

The meaning of this verse is,

The spirit is the one making alive; the flesh benefits nothing;  the words I have spoken to you is spirit and is life.”

CC BY 4.0 τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν (John 6:63) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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