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Title: So They Gathered and Filled Twelve Baskets of Fragments
The text is, “συνήγαγον οὖν καὶ ἐγέμισαν δώδεκα κοφίνους κλασμάτων ἐκ τῶν πέντε ἄρτων τῶν κριθίνων ἃ ἐπερίσσευσαν τοῖς βεβρωκόσιν”
“συνήγαγον”: third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “they gathered”.
“οὖν”: coordinating inferential conjunction meaning “so”.
“καὶ”: coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.
“ἐγέμισαν”: third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “filled”.
“δώδεκα”: masculine, plural, accusative, cardinal adjective meaning “twelve”.
“κοφίνους”: masculine, plural, accusative noun meaning “baskets”.
“κλασμάτων”: neuter, plural, genitive noun meaning “of fragments”.
“ἐκ”: preposition taking the genitive for its object word and meaning “of” or “from”.
“τῶν”: masculine, plural, genitive article meaning “the”.
“πέντε”: masculine, plural, genitive, cardinal adjective meaning “five”.
“ἄρτων”: masculine, plural, genitive noun meaning “loaves”.
“τῶν”: masculine, plural, genitive article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.
“κριθίνων”: masculine, plural, genitive adjective meaning “made of barley”.
“ἃ”: neuter, plural, nominative, definite, relative pronoun meaning “those”.
“ἐπερίσσευσαν”: third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “abounded”.
“τοῖς”: masculine, plural, dative article meaning “the”.
“βεβρωκόσιν”: perfect, active, participial, masculine, plural, dative verb meaning “having eaten”.
The meaning of this verse is,
So they gathered and filled twelve baskets of fragments from the five loaves those having eaten abounded.
συνήγαγον οὖν καὶ ἐγέμισαν δώδεκα κοφίνους κλασμάτων (John 6:13) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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