μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν· οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ (John 15:20)

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Title:  You Must Remember the Word That I Said to You, “No Servant is Greater than His Master”

The text is, “μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν· οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ εἰ ἐμὲ ἐδίωξαν καὶ ὑμᾶς διώξουσιν· εἰ τὸν λόγον μου ἐτήρησαν καὶ τὸν ὑμέτερον τηρήσουσιν”.

μνημονεύετε -> second person, plural, present, active, imperative verb -> you must remember

τοῦ -> masculine, singular, genitive article -> the

λόγου -> masculine, singular, genitive noun -> word

οὗ -> masculine, singular, genitive, definite, relative pronoun -> that

ἐγὼ -> first person, personal, singular, nominative pronoun -> I

εἶπον -> first person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb -> said

ὑμῖν -> second person, personal, plural, dative pronoun -> to you

οὐκ -> negative particle -> no | not

ἔστιν -> third person, singular, present, indicative verb -> is

δοῦλος -> masculine, singular, nominative noun -> servant

μείζων -> masculine, singular, nominative, comparative adjective -> greater | greater than

τοῦ -> masculine, singular, genitive article -> the NRIEH

κυρίου -> masculine, singular, genitive noun -> master

αὐτοῦ -> third person, personal, masculine, singular, genitive pronoun -> his

εἰ -> subordinating conditional conjunction -> if

ἐμὲ -> first person, personal, singular, accusative pronoun -> me

ἐδίωξαν -> third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb -> they persecuted

καὶ -> adverb -> also

ὑμᾶς -> second person, personal, plural, accusative pronoun -> you

διώξουσιν -> third person, plural, future, active, indicative verb -> they will persecute

εἰ -> subordinating conditional conjunction -> if

τὸν -> masculine, singular, accusative article -> the NRIEH

λόγον -> masculine, singular, accusative noun -> word

μου -> first person, personal, singular, genitive pronoun -> my

ἐτήρησαν -> third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb -> they kept | they guarded

καὶ -> adverb -> also

τὸν -> masculine, singular, accusative article -> the  NRIEH

ὑμέτερον -> masculine, singular, accusative, possessive adjective -> yours

τηρήσουσιν -> third person, plural, future, active, indicative verb -> they will keep | they will guard

The meaning of this verse is,

You must remember the word that I said to you, ‘No servant is greater than his master.’  If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.  If they guarded my word, they also will guard yours.”

CC BY 4.0 μνημονεύετε τοῦ λόγου οὗ ἐγὼ εἶπον ὑμῖν· οὐκ ἔστιν δοῦλος μείζων τοῦ κυρίου αὐτοῦ (John 15:20) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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