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Title: And Do Not Be Filled With Wonder, Brothers, that the World Abhors You
The text is, “Καὶ μὴ θαυμάζετε ἀδελφοί, εἰ μισεῖ ὑμᾶς ὁ κόσμος”.
Καὶ -> coordinating additive conjunction -> and
μὴ -> negative particle -> not
θαυμάζετε -> second person, plural, present, active, imperative verb -> do be filled with wonder
ἀδελφοί -> masculine, plural, vocative noun -> brothers
εἰ -> subordinating complementary conjunction -> that
μισεῖ -> third person, singular, present, active, indicative verb -> abhors
ὑμᾶς -> second person, personal, plural, accusative pronoun -> you
ὁ -> masculine, singular, nominative article -> the
κόσμος -> masculine, singular, nominative noun -> world
The meaning of this verse is,
And do not be filled with wonder, brothers, that the world abhors you.
Καὶ μὴ θαυμάζετε ἀδελφοί εἰ μισεῖ ὑμᾶς ὁ κόσμος (I John 3:13) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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