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Title: A New Commandment I Give to You, that You Love One Another
The text is, “Ἐντολὴν καινὴν δίδωμι ὑμῖν, ἵνα ἀγαπᾶτε ἀλλήλους, καθὼς ἠγάπησα ὑμᾶς ἵνα καὶ ὑμεῖς ἀγαπᾶτε ἀλλήλους”.
“Ἐντολὴν”: feminine, singular, accusative noun meaning “commandment”.
“καινὴν”: feminine, singular, accusative adjective meaning “a new”.
“δίδωμι”: first person, singular, present, active, indicative verb meaning “I give”.
“ὑμῖν”: second person, personal, plural, dative pronoun meaning “to you”.
“ἵνα”: subordinating complementary conjunction meaning “that”.
“ἀγαπᾶτε”: second person, plural, present, active, subjunctive verb meaning “you love”,
“ἀλλήλους”: masculine, plural, accusative, reciprocal pronoun meaning “one another”.
“καθὼς”: subordinating comparative conjunction meaning “just as”.
“ἠγάπησα”: first person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “I loved”.
“ὑμᾶς”: second person, personal, plural, accusative pronoun meaning “you”.
“ἵνα”: subordinating complementary conjunction meaning “that”.
“καὶ”: adverb meaning “also”.
“ὑμεῖς”: second person, personal, plural, nominative verb meaning “you”.
“ἀγαπᾶτε”: second person, plural, present, active, subjunctive verb meaning “should love”.
“ἀλλήλους”: masculine, plural, accusative, reciprocal pronoun meaning “one another”.
The meaning of this verse is,
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I loved you, that also you should love one another.”
Ἐντολὴν καινὴν δίδωμι ὑμῖν, ἵνα ἀγαπᾶτε ἀλλήλους (John 13:34) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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