τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τῆς σαρκὸς (John 3:6)

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Title -> The One Having Been Born of the Flesh

The text is, τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τῆς σαρκὸς σάρξ ἐστιν, καὶ τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος πνεῦμά ἐστιν.

τὸ -> neuter, singular, nominative article -> the

γεγεννημένον -> perfect, passive, participial, neuter, singular, nominative verb -> one having been born

ἐκ -> preposition taking the genitive for its object word -> of

τῆς -> feminine, singular, genitive article -> the

σαρκὸς -> feminine, singular, genitive noun -> flesh

σάρξ -> feminine, singular, nominative noun -> flesh

ἐστιν -> third person, singular, present, indicative verb -> is

καὶ -> coordinating conjunction -> and

τὸ -> neuter, singular, nominative article -> the

γεγεννημένον -> perfect, passive, participial, neuter, singular, nominative verb -> one having born

ἐκ -> preposition taking the genitive for its object word -> of

τοῦ -> neuter, singular, genitive article -> the

πνεύματος -> neuter, singular, genitive noun -> Spirit

πνεῦμά -> neuter, singular, nominative noun -> Spirit

ἐστιν -> third person, singular, present, indicative verb -> is

The meaning of this verse is, ‘The one having been born from the flesh is flesh, and the one having been born of the Spirit is Spirit.”

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CC BY 4.0 τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τῆς σαρκὸς (John 3:6) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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