Οὐ περὶ πάντων ὑμῶν λέγω (John 13:18)

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Title:  I am Not Speaking About You All

The text is, “Οὐ περὶ πάντων ὑμῶν λέγω ἐγὼ οἶδα τίνας ἐξελεξάμην ἀλλ’ ἵνα ἡ γραφὴ πληρωθῇ ὁ τρώγων μου τὸν ἄρτον ἐπῆρεν ἐπ’ ἐμὲ τὴν πτέρναν αὐτοῦ”.

“Οὐ”:  negative particle meaning “not”.

“περὶ”:  preposition taking the genitive for its object word and meaning “about”.

“πάντων”:  masculine, plural, genitive adjective meaning “all”.

“ὑμῶν”:  second person, personal, plural, genitive pronoun meaning “you”.

“λέγω”:  first person, singular, present, active, indicative verb meaning “I am speaking”.

“ἐγὼ”:  first person, personal, singular, nominative pronoun meaning “I”.

“οἶδα”:  first person, singular, perfect, active, indicative verb meaning “know”.

“τίνας”:  masculine, plural, accusative, interrogative pronoun meaning “whom”.

“ἐξελεξάμην”:  first person, singular, aorist, middle, indicative verb meaning “I chose”.

“ἀλλ’”:  coordinating adversative conjunction meaning “but”.

“ἵνα”:  subordinating conjunction meaning “so that”.

“ἡ”:  feminine, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.

“γραφὴ”:  feminine, singular, nominative noun meaning “scripture”.

“πληρωθῇ”:  third person, singular, aorist, passive, subjunctive verb meaning “might be fulfilled”.

“ὁ”:  masculine, singular, nominative article meaning “the”.

“τρώγων”:  present, active, participial, masculine, singular, nominative verb meaning “one eating”.

“μου”:  first person, personal, singular, genitive pronoun meaning “my”.

“τὸν”:  masculine, singular, genitive article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.

“ἄρτον”:  masculine, singular, genitive noun meaning “bread”.

“ἐπῆρεν”:  third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “lifted up”.

“ἐπ’”:  preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “against”.

“ἐμὲ”:  first person, personal, singular, accusative pronoun meaning “me”.

“τὴν”:  feminine, singular, accusative article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.

“πτέρναν”:  feminine, singular, accusative noun meaning “heel”.

“αὐτοῦ”:  third person, personal, masculine, singular, genitive pronoun meaning “his”.

The meaning of this verse is,

I am not speaking about you all.  I know whom I chose.  But so that the scripture might be fulfilled: ‘The one eating my bread lifted up his heel against me.'”

CC BY 4.0 Οὐ περὶ πάντων ὑμῶν λέγω (John 13:18) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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