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Title: Peter Says to Him, “Never! You Shall Not Wash my Feet!”
The text is, “λέγει αὐτῷ Πέτρος οὐ μὴ νίψῃς μου τοὺς πόδας εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς αὐτῷ· ἐὰν μὴ νίψω σε οὐκ ἔχεις μέρος μετ’ ἐμοῦ”.
“λέγει”: third person, singular, present, active, indicative verb meaning “says”.
“αὐτῷ”: third person, personal, masculine, singular, dative pronoun meaning “to him”.
“Πέτρος”: masculine, singular, nominative, proper noun meaning “Peter”.
“οὐ”: negative particle meaning “never”.
“μὴ”: negative particle meaning “not”.
“νίψῃς”: second person, singular, aorist, active, subjunctive verb meaning “you shall wash”.
“μου”: first person, personal, singular, genitive pronoun meaning “my”.
“τοὺς”: masculine, plural, accusative article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.
“πόδας”: masculine, plural, accusative noun meaning “feet”.
“εἰς”: preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “into”.
“τὸν”: masculine, singular accusative article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.
“αἰῶνα”: masculine, singular, accusative noun meaning “eternity”.
“ἀπεκρίθη”: third person, singular, aorist, passive, indicative verb meaning “answered”.
“Ἰησοῦς”: masculine, singular, nominative, proper noun meaning “Jesus”.
“αὐτῷ”: third person, personal, masculine, singular, dative pronoun meaning “him”.
“ἐὰν”: subordinating conditional conjunction meaning “not”.
“μὴ”: negative particle meaning “never”.
“νίψω”: first person, singular, aorist, active, subjunctive verb meaning “should I wash”.
“σε”: second person, personal, singular, accusative pronoun meaning “you”.
“οὐκ”: negative particle meaning “no”.
“ἔχεις”: second person, present, active, indicative verb meaning “you have”.
“μέρος”: neuter, singular, accusative noun meaning “part” or “share”.
“μετ’”: preposition taking the genitive for its object word and meaning “with”.
“ἐμοῦ”: first person, personal, singular, genitive pronoun meaning “me”.
The meaning of this verse is,
Peter says to him, “Never! You shall not wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “Never? I shall not wash your feet? Should I never wash you, you have no part with me.”
λέγει αὐτῷ Πέτρος οὐ μὴ νίψῃς μου τοὺς πόδας (John 13:8) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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