καὶ ἠρώτησαν αὐτοὺς λέγοντες· οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς ὑμῶν (John 8:19)

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Title:  and they Interrogated Them, Saying, “Is this your Son?”

The text is, “καὶ ἠρώτησαν αὐτοὺς λέγοντες· οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς ὑμῶν, ὃν ὑμεῖς λέγετε ὅτι τυφλὸς ἐγεννήθη; πῶς οὖν βλέπει ἄρτι”.

“καὶ”:  coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.

“ἠρώτησαν”:  third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “they interrogated”.

“αὐτοὺς”:  third person, personal, masculine, plural, accusative pronoun meaning “them”.

“λέγοντες”:  present, active,participial, masculine, plural, nominative verb meaning “saying”.

“οὗτός”:  masculine, singular, nominative, demonstrative pronoun meaning “this”.

“ἐστιν”:  third person, singular, present, indicative verb meaning “is”.

“ὁ”:  masculine, singular, nominative article meaning “the” but it is not rendered into English here.

“υἱὸς”:  masculine, singular, nominative noun meaning “son”.

“ὑμῶν”:  second person, personal, plural, genitive pronoun meaning “your”.

“ὃν”:  masculine, singular, accusative, definite, relative pronoun meaning “whom”.

“ὑμεῖς”:  second person, personal, plural, nominative pronoun meaning “you”.

“λέγετε”:  second person, plural, present, active, indicative verb meaning “are saying”.

“ὅτι”:  subordinating complementary conjunction meaning “why”.

“τυφλὸς”:  masculine, singular, nominative adjective meaning “blind”.

“ἐγεννήθη”:  third person, singular, aorist, passive, indicative verb meaning “he was born”.

“πῶς”:  interrogative particle meaning “how”.

“οὖν”:  coordinating inferential conjunction meaning “then”.

“βλέπει”:  third person, singular, present, active, indicative verb meaning “he does see”.

“ἄρτι”:  temporal adverb meaning “now”.

and they interrogated them, saying, “Is this your son, of whom you are saying, ‘Why?  He was born blind.  How then does he see now?'”

The meaning of this verse is,


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