καὶ πολλοὶ ἦλθον πρὸς αὐτὸν καὶ ἔλεγον ὅτι Ἰωάννης μὲν σημεῖον ἐποίησεν οὐδέν (John 10:41)

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Title:  And Many Came to Him and Were Saying that John Indeed Did No Sign

The text is, “καὶ πολλοὶ ἦλθον πρὸς αὐτὸν καὶ ἔλεγον ὅτι Ἰωάννης μὲν σημεῖον ἐποίησεν οὐδέν, πάντα δὲ ὅσα εἶπεν Ἰωάννης περὶ τούτου ἀληθῆ ἦν”.

“καὶ”:  coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.

“πολλοὶ”:  masculine, plural, nominative adjective meaning “many”.

“ἦλθον”:  third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “came”.

“πρὸς”:  preposition taking the accusative for its object word and meaning “to”.

“αὐτὸν”:  third person, personal, masculine, singular, accusative pronoun meaning “him”.

“καὶ”:  coordinating conjunction meaning “and”.

“ἔλεγον”:  third person, plural, imperfect, active, indicative verb meaning “were saying”.

“ὅτι”:  subordinating conjunction meaning “that”.

“Ἰωάννης”;  masculine, singular, nominative, proper noun meaning “John”.

“μὲν”:  particle meaning “indeed”.

“σημεῖον”:  neuter, singular, accusative noun meaning “sign”.

“ἐποίησεν”:  third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “did”.

“οὐδέν”:  neuter, singular, accusative, indefinite adjective meaning “no”.

“πάντα”:  neuter, plural, nominative adjective meaning “all”.

“δὲ”:  particle meaning “but”.

“ὅσα”:  neuter, plural, accusative, correlative pronoun meaning “that”.

“εἶπεν”:  third person, singular, aorist, active, indicative verb meaning “said”.

“Ἰωάννης”:  masculine, singular, nominative, proper noun meaning “John”.

“περὶ”:  preposition taking the genitive for its object word and meaning “about”.

“τούτου”:  masculine, singular, genitive demonstrative pronoun meaning “this man”.

“ἀληθῆ”:  neuter, plural, nominative adjective meaning “true”.

“ἦν”:  third person, singular, imperfect, indicative verb meaning “was”.

The meaning of this verse is,

And many came to him and were saying that John indeed did no sign, but all that he said about this man was true.

CC BY 4.0 καὶ πολλοὶ ἦλθον πρὸς αὐτὸν καὶ ἔλεγον ὅτι Ἰωάννης μὲν σημεῖον ἐποίησεν οὐδέν (John 10:41) by Dennis Glover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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